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ABOUT Strive

Welcome to Strive private tutoring where young people can Strive to be their best. Our private tutoring sessions are delivered by highly qualified teachers to support children academically and build their confidence with learning.

Meet THE Team

Meet the Team

MRS Platt


I have always valued education and have a love of learning. After completing my Music and Business studies degree at The University of Chester I went on to complete a PGCE at MMU to become a qualified teacher.


I enjoy teaching and every day is different when you are working with children, their energy and enthusiasm is infectious and to instil that same love of learning and inspire them to be their best and excel in their education is so rewarding. From 2009 until 2013 whilst teaching full time I studied at MMU to complete a master’s degree in teaching and learning, developing my own knowledge and understanding of how children learn and engaging them to achieve their potential.

After having children, I then trained in Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense, learning about how babies develop from inside the womb all the way to early years education.


I now run two successful Baby Sensory businesses across Manchester and our Toddler Sense Manchester business from our WOW Centre in Prestwich.


During the last 12 months of home schooling my children whilst they have been in and out of school, I have seen the effects the disruption has had on their learning. I know small group private tutoring will help so many children thrive and learn and so Strive Manchester Ltd was established.


Tuition Services

Our private small group tutoring sessions are £25 per hour paid weekly standing order in advance. Our sessions will cover the core curriculum focusing on Literacy, Mathematics, SPaG & Handwriting.
Activities and work will be differentiated and personalised to support all children’s learning.
Introductory offer for all new students 4 weeks tuition for £50! Includes 50% discount. 




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